Our Trainers and Coaches

Ali Ramadan

(Facilitator – PPU)

Ali Ramadan is a business Incubator Manager at Palestine Polytechnic University (PPU); and he received M.Sc. degrees in Computer Studies from Amman Arab University, Jordan in 2005. Ali has more than 10 years of experience in coordinating several projects and initiatives to Led and Develop Education and Entrepreneurship and manage the day- to- day high-quality of coaching and advisory interaction with the Incubatees, In partnership with national and international organization. Furthermore, Ali is a certified Green Business Mentor by Switchmed –EU since 2016.

Aline Bussmann

(Facilitator – cewas)

Aline is the Regional Director of cewas in the Middle East. She has 12 years experience as a resource management expert and business development trainer and her regional expertise lies in the Middle East, North and Eastern Africa, where she is based for many years. Aline is providing tailored technical and business support to high-potential start-ups at the incubation and acceleration stage. In the context of long-term support programmes, Aline has been the lead trainer and coach for more than 50 start-ups/companies in Jordan, Palestine, Iraq and Lebanon over the past four years.

Omar Adam

(Facilitator – PPU)

Omar Adam earned a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration minor Project Management from Palestine Polytechnic University with an excellent grade in 2017. Omar joined the PPU Business Incubator at Palestine Polytechnic University, as project coordinator. Omar holds a series of specialized training in the field of youth empowerment and entrepreneurship from several local institutions such as certification in Training of Trainers (ToT), the TAMMAYAZ program implemented by Sharek Youth Forum.

Janek Hermann-Friede

(Facilitator – cewas)

Janek is an environmental engineer with a post-graduate degree in international development cooperation. He has more than 15 years of work experience in water governance, private sector engagement and sustainable water management practices. Janek has worked on numerous projects in Latin America, Southern Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. He develops, trains and facilitates bottom-up solutions for key management, integrity and governance challenges in the water sector.