Ecopreneur Ideation Training

An interactive training for green innovators in Palestine

The first Ecopreneur programme opens in 2020. cewas Middle East and Palestine Polytechnic University are offering an 18-months incubation support for innovators and entrepreneurs with business ideas that create environmental, economic and social impact in Palestine. The programme kicks off with a pre-incubation ideation module. During this training, enthusiastic future entrepreneurs will work on the generation of high-potential environmental business ideas.

Founded in 2010 in Switzerland, cewas is the world’s first dedicated water and sanitation incubator, offering dedicated water and sanitation entrepreneurship programmes and tailored support for innovators. cewas’ core activity is to support entrepreneurs in identifying opportunities in the water and sanitation sector, giving them guidance to develop a strong and sustainable business model and opening doors to access to finance, customers and networks. So far, cewas has worked with over 300 entrepreneurs, including nearly 100 MENA entrepreneurs at all development stages through the regional programme cewas Middle East.

Palestine Polytechnic University is leading the effort to create the first university business incubator in Palestine since 2007. to foster entrepreneurship, and enhance learning, internships, and job creation for 7000 potential entrepreneurs and serve start-up businesses in a facility of approximately 700 square meters. PPU Business Incubator facility is operated by the ‘Centre of Excellence and Continuing Education’, that was launched at the beginning of the year 2007 as a technology based physical incubator facility, now moved to be a mixed use incubator meaning that offers business services to Palestinian entrepreneurs who have mature concepts for unique and innovative projects in various fields.